
First post in 2009


2009 is already started! How have you been?
How are you? I got sick during this winter vacation... :(

Now I decide the No.1 blog. My No.blog is Miho’s blog.
She writes interesting information and interesting comments. Her blog has good decoration, too. I recommend you to see her blog and enjoy her world.
I like her "movies" post. Check it out right now!!

I decide No.2 blog. I think
Yumi’s blog is also good one.
Her blog is easy to see what it says. Look at her topic “Movies”. There is good information.
You will become to watch the movie which she recommends.
Let's see her blog, too.

My third recommendable blog is Chiaki's blog.

Her "New Zealand" post is interesting because there are many good pictures. It is easy to understand information about New Zealand . I should check her blog immediately. Look at her blog and enjoy to see exciting information!

2 件のコメント:

Hil-y さんのコメント...

I'm very glad that you chose my blog as the second prise. Thank you very much. I also like your blog. I think you did a good job★

chaki さんのコメント...

Hi Risa!
your blog is so nice! your blog is easy to see and understand. Good job!
thanks for chose my blog!